What if Obi-Wan was killed on Mustafar by Darth Vader?

What if Obi-Wan was killed on Mustafar by Darth Vader?

-At Movieszbreakdown, you will find answer of What if Obi-Wan was killed on Mustafar by Darth Vader?. So, read it thoroughly and get more other interesting and amazing blogs on my site.       In the huge universe of Star Wars, the pivotal duel on Mustafar between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, who might … Read more

Did Obi-Wan ever stop believing in Anakin’s redemption?

Did Obi-Wan ever stop believing in Anakin’s redemption?

-At Movieszbreakdown, you will find answer of Did Obi-Wan ever stop believing in Anakin’s redemption?. So, read it thoroughly and get more other interesting and amazing blogs on my site. The complex relationship between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker is a central theme throughout the Star Wars saga. Obi-Wan’s unwavering faith in Anakin’s redemption Obi-Wan … Read more